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Selasa, 02 November 2010

Chapter 3 Term In Using ICT

Multiple Choice
  1.   A
  2.   E
  3.   B
  4.   E
  5.   E
  6.   A
  7.   A
  8.   E
  9.   A
  10.   C


Answer the following question correctly

  1.  Name several factors that make someone prefer using illegal softwares.
  2.  Describe the difference between ethics and morality in society.
  3.  What is meant by patent rightsof a produc?
  4.  Explain the correct position / posture to use a computer. 
  5.  What is the abbreaviation of HAKI?


1. a. Low in come
    b. Low education level
    c. The cost of a permit or licensed software is relatively expansive
    d. Low law enforcement
    e. Lact of awareness to use genuine software
2.  Ethics are a concept of acknowledgment by the society towards human thoughts,which means that this concept evolves following men's true values.Whereas,morality is a code of conduct or a common conception of what is right according to the society(common values).
3. patent right is right that the inventioncannot be used by people or other company without the permissionof the patent owner.
4. patent right is right that the inventioncannot be used by people or other company without the permissionof the patent owner.
5. Hak Cipta dan Hak atas kekayaan Intelektual

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